All Panton Hill Primary School Literacy embraces all aspects of the schools curriculum. It encompasses reading, writing, listening, speaking and viewing.
Classroom programs are based on the Victorian Curriculum. We are fortunate to have a reading intervention teacher who is utilised to complement the classroom literacy program. Our reading intervention is a one on one program designed to target students needing extra support in literacy.
The following are components of our Literacy Program:
- Children work at their developmental level and participate in activities that support and extend their literacy learning
- A daily two hour literacy block where the teacher is supported by a classroom helpers program
- Evidence based systematic synthetic phonics approach in place to support our junior grades.
- Extensive classroom resources, including interactive whiteboards, ipads and laptops in each classroom enabling students to access a wide variety of online resources and interactive activities
- Access to a wide variety of take home reading materials which have been grouped to match reading levels
- Ongoing formal and informal assessment practices that enable teachers to plan and cater for individual needs
- A Professional Development Program that enables all teachers to access the latest teaching methods and programs.
- Panton Hill Primary is a strong supporter of the Premiers’ Reading Challenge. 100% of students have met the challenge each year that the challenge has run, apart from 2020 which was disrupted by remote learning.
- Each year the school participates in Book Week which includes a parade in which students dress up as their favourite character from a book.